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(Family Rhinobatidae)

Proposed by: Israel, Kenya, Panama, Senegal


Out of the 37 species belonging to the Family Rhinobatidae, 23 are assessed as threatened under the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, including ten as Critically Endangered (CR). Six Critically Endangered (CR) species are proposed for listing under Appendix II. Due to similarities in appearance of traded products and the IUCN Red List classification of many other species as threatened, all remaining species in the family Rhinobatidae are included as lookalikes in this proposal.


Many shark-like rays are severely threatened, and it is known that their fins are traded internationally and marketed alongside shark fins. In recent years, governments have acted to list many shark-like rays onto CITES, such as from the families of wedgefishes (Rhinidae) and giant guitarfishes (Glaucostegidae). While guitarfish species suffer from similar threats to survival, including intense fishing pressures and habitat degradation, with their products found in the international fins and skins trade, no guitarfish species are currently listed under CITES.

Six Critically Endangered (CR) guitarfish species are proposed for listing onto CITES Appendix II. These six species are facing declines as a result of both the international trade and domestic exploitation, with suspected declines over the past three generations reaching at least 80%. Due to similarities in the appearance of their parts and derivatives in the trade, all remaining guitarfish species are proposed for inclusion in Appendix II as lookalikes. A family-level listing for Rhinobatidae can potentially enable more comprehensive management for the trade in products of shark-like rays, and prevent further declines in these highly threatened species while enabling a future of sustainable trades.

Photo by Craig Minkley

The six lead species of this proposal are:
·       Stripenose guitarfish (Acroteriobatus variegatus)
·       Brazilian guitarfish (Pseudobatos horkelii)
·       Whitespotted guitarfish (Rhinobatos albomaculatus)
·       Spineback guitarfish (R. irvinei)
·       Common guitarfish (R. rhinobatos)
·       Brown guitarfish (R. schlegelii)


Identification and Implementation

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